The Patchwork Players love to gather stories from all over. They gather them from their Scandinavian and Celtic heritage and from other cultures, too. From their real life experiences and imaginations. The world is full of stories and they are always looking for a scrap here and a patch there. A Crazy Quilt of Stories just like your Great Grandmother made. These stories are a patchwork that will keep you thinking and remembering, and will stay with you for years to come.
A Patchwork Player's performance is full of improvisation and plenty of audience participation. They are a high energy, fun, and engaging pair who delight and beguile their audiences. A great choice for all ages and a wide range of settings.
Inspirational, educational, or just plain fun, The Patchwork Players fit the bill. They also entertain audiences with original stories of their true-life adventures and musings from their imaginations. They can customize or create a program or story for your special event.
Both Patti and James are members of The Storytellers of San Diego, as well as living and telling stories in northern San Diego County.
Our Story
Patti Christensen
Patti brings a rich background of 25 years working with children as well as extensive presenting experience with adults.
She works in many different venues, including museums, hospitals, festivals, bookstores, libraries, religious groups, scouting groups, senior centers, as well as other school and social service settings. Patti also is a favorite at birthday and holiday parties and as a speaker at conferences.
She developed her storytelling and dramatic art skills beginning as a drama student in high school and have been involved in many theatre productions throughout the years. Her BA in History taught her the magic of making history come alive which she continues in her storytelling. Her drama work continues as a founding member of The Patchwork Players.
Her Masters of Theology and Masters of Social Work degrees make her uniquely qualified for work in different settings using story to speak to important spiritual and value issues. She is a Fullbright Scholar, having traveled with artists and teachers in Veracruz, Mexico studying Mexican art and culture.
Patti was a Drama Consultant and Literacy Specialist for the Escondido Public Library. She has worked as an Artist in Residence for the California Center for the Arts, Escondido, including doing regular storytelling performances in their Museum Art Gallery. She also served as an Arts Coach for the SUAVE program bringing arts to the schools, and as an Artist in Residence for All the Arts for All the Kids.Patti is a member of The National Storytelling Network, and The Storytellers of San Diego.
James Nelson.Lucas
James Nelson-Lucas has been performing on stage since he was six years old and brings a wide variety of theatrical talents and educational skills to storytelling. James has been an actor, magician, chef, public speaker, musician, dancer, clown, improvisational performer, writer, workshop leader, producer, director and brings all these experiences together in Story Theatre. In fact, James had been performing Story Theatre long before he knew what it was.
James comes from a very theatrical family full of writers, dancers, actors and artists. So it was natural that young James, his sister and cousins would perform amateur theatrics at family gatherings. Whether it was a passion play, a reenactment of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, or just acting out the Sunday funnies, James and his cohorts were bringing stories to life.
James has nurtured that love of entertaining and educating over the years, graduating from amateur theatrics to legitimate Story Theatre as a founding member of The Patchwork Players. Luckily for his audiences, his youthful passion remains. Combine that with his broad range of experiences and talents and you have one enthusiastic and unique performer.
He is a member of The Storytellers of San Diego. James studied Drama, Film and Video Production and Voice at Palomar College and Communications at California State University at San Marcos. This background gives him a strong understanding of the nature of stories and how to tell them.
James has performed everywhere from churches to corporate settings, from private parties, to street theater to the legitimate stage. He tells tales from historic to humorous, folk to fantastic, educational to entertainingHe engages his audiences with passion and energy creating unforgettable programs for all ages. James’ performances are full ofwild physicality and a wide range of voices and accents that paint vivid characters to the delight of his audiences.